Occam's Laser

Occam's Laser

Sean Mooney & Dúalta Ó Fionnagáin

In Occam's Laser, two astrophysicists in Dublin talk about science, philosophy, tech and much more, sometimes with guests!

Categorias: Ciencia y medicina

Escuchar el último episodio:

If the Universe is so vast, then where are all the aliens? We run through the implications of this idea, named after Enrico Fermi. Before that, we look at the case to be made for visiting the outer planets of the solar system which don't get as much love as Mars et al. Links: The Fermi paradox: https://waitbutwhy.com/2014/05/fermi-paradox.html The Case for Visiting the Outer Planets https://onezero.medium.com/the-case-for-visiting-the-outer-planets-d74b6e68452f Twitter: @occamslaserpod Instagram: @occamslaserpod Intro music: Triplecee – Funcky

Episodios anteriores

  • 8 - #8 - The Fermi Paradox and the Gas Giants 
    Sat, 29 Jun 2019
  • 7 - #7 - Europe, Nuclear Power, and Lightning 
    Mon, 03 Jun 2019
  • 6 - #6 - Joe Bonfield, Bees, and Royal Jelly 
    Sun, 26 May 2019
  • 5 - #5 - Headless Pigs and the Size of Life 
    Mon, 29 Apr 2019
  • 4 - #4 - M87, Black Holes, and Chess AI 
    Tue, 16 Apr 2019
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