World Vision STIR Radio (2009)

World Vision STIR Radio (2009)

Vision Generation

STIR Radio tackles global issues and current affairs. We interview people at the front line of the war on poverty and the struggle for a fair and peaceful world. Presented by Vision Generation on Radio Adelaide each week and podcast for you right here.

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We might have passed Mothers’ Day for another year – but keeping mothers and babies healthy during pregnancy and childbirth is still a huge issue in communities all over the world. In fact, improving maternal health is the Millennium Development Goals towards which the least progress has been made so far. In general, Australia is one of the safest places in the world to give birth or to be born. But in many remote Indigenous communities, service providers face serious problems trying to provide effective, high-quality maternal healthcare in a supportive and culturally sensitive environment. This week Amye, Adelaide, Stephen and Eleanor focus on the creative ways governments and community groups are overcoming these hurdles. Drawing on the firsthand experiences of midwives and students who have worked in remote communities, they look carefully at programmes that are really working to work out which approaches are the most successful, why, and how they can be adapted for future use.

Episodios anteriores

  • 16 - STIR Radio - Maternal Health in Indigenous Australia 
    Tue, 30 Jun 2009
  • 15 - STIR Radio - Corruption and the Aid Industry 
    Tue, 23 Jun 2009
  • 14 - STIR Radio - Pakistan 
    Tue, 16 Jun 2009
  • 13 - STIR Radio - Democracy and Development 
    Tue, 09 Jun 2009
  • 12 - STIR Radio - Healing the Wounds of the Past - Pt2 
    Tue, 02 Jun 2009
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