L10N Radio

L10N Radio

Wordbee Advanced Translation Management Software

International Buzz is a podcast about localization, translation, global marketing, and international business relations. Wordbee is a leading translation management system and localization technology provider worldwide, powering enterprises and translation service providers with integrated toolsets for end-to-end localization.

Categorias: Finanzas

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In this episode we talk with experts Alaina Brandt, Kirill Soloviev, William Spalding and Bazz O'Reilly about translation quality management. We discussed topics such as language quality assessment, vendor management & feedback cycles, as well as the role of automation and technology.

Episodios anteriores

  • 54 - New Horizons In Translation Quality Management - Panel 
    Thu, 15 Oct 2020
  • 53 - 2020: Trends In Machine Translation For The Language Industry - Panel 
    Thu, 24 Sep 2020
  • 52 - Swati Narwal - Localization at Ingka Group, IKEA franchisee 
    Wed, 02 Sep 2020
  • 51 - Gabriel Karandysovsky - Nimdzi's Project Underwear 
    Mon, 10 Aug 2020
  • 50 - How to be a successful CEO of an LSP - Panel 
    Tue, 04 Aug 2020
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